What is the Soul Connection?

being creative creativity soul what is soul Apr 20, 2022

I figure since I’m stating this is a Soul Nurture Project, perhaps I better define what Soul is. There are many definitions. Sometimes people don’t believe in souls yet historically they are recognized in every culture. I look at souls as your internal life force. If you have been present when someone dies it seems so obvious.  It was clear to me, being present, as my first husband died that he, his energy, his being was no longer there, that the body was only a container. There was no other way to look at it. His life force was definitely gone, and I understood this to be his soul had departed.

I recently read a post by Astrologer Rob Brezny about the word Soul. He captured it like this:

Even to believers, the soul may be hard to define. Some imagine it to be a ghostly blob of magic stuff within us that keeps us connected to the world of dreams and the divine realms.

So what is the "soul"?

Is it an amorphous metaphor for the secret source of our spiritual power? Is it a myth that people entertain because they desperately want to believe there's more to them than just their physical bodies?

Here's one of my own perspectives about the soul: The soul is a perspective that pushes us to go deeper and see further and live wilder. It's what drives our imagination to flesh out our raw experience, transforming that chaotic stuff into rich storylines that animate our love of life.

With the gently propulsive force of the soul, we probe beyond the surface level of things, working to find the hidden meaning and truer feeling.

This poses the question of what is it that our souls need?  Is there something that helps them thrive?  I look at it as what brings energy into our being – when there is energy or we feel energetic, why is that.  Certainly in the dying process the energy dissipates the closer one gets to death. Consider the older or ailing person who no longer has the desire for food, can move very little, perhaps can really only enjoy listening to music. So a thriving soul needs what?  Inspiration? Joy? Delight? Accomplishment? Self-expression? And what does this look like for our soul?  I’m guessing not what we have generally defined as success in the modern world.

Further, where does creativity live in this landscape of the soul?  What about quiet moments? Meditative moments? What is the role of creativity, in its broadest definition (see we are all creators blog post), for bringing energy to the soul’s life force? And finally, what are you doing to engage that for yourself?

All of these question can be points to write from and reflect. Soul Poetry perhaps?  Maybe you want to create an image that represents soul to you. Or just hold these questions in contemplation.

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